e-LfH programme

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The National Breast Imaging Academy e-Learning for Healthcare programme (e-LfH) contains over 150 e-learning sessions designed to provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of breast imaging and relevant aspects of breast surgery, pathology, nursing, oncology and risk and prevention.  The programme complements face-to-face clinical training and also provides valuable CPD resources for qualified staff.

Expert authors and editors have been recruited from the breast imaging community and its allied professions to develop the programme which is freely available to all NHS staff.  

Find out more about the National Breast Imaging Academy e-LfH programme here: e-LfH website

Radiographers, breast clinicians and radiologists wishing to write or edit content for the new breast imaging e-Learning for Healthcare programme should contact the Academy here

The NBIA’s e-Learning for Healthcare programme is available internationally for a small fee, and can be accessed here