What are the aims of the Credential in Breast Disease Management?
- To standardise and recognise the training for breast clinicians
- To increase the breast clinician workforce to support breast screening and symptomatic services
Who can apply?
Doctors who are eligible to be appointed as a Specialty Doctor on the 2021 SAS contract
Person Specification is available here
What is the duration, working pattern and salary?
Training is typically based in one breast unit for the duration of the Credential. The Credential is a three-year programme, or equivalent duration if less than full time. A minimum 0.6 WTE is recommended. There are no routine out of hours or on call responsibilities. Trainees are employed as a Specialty Doctor MC75.
What is the recruitment process?
Training sites are supported by the NBIA to recruit their own trainee, locally, using NHS Jobs. Potential candidates are encouraged to regularly review the NHS Jobs website.
Timelines for next intake
Funding is available for five trainee breast clinicians to complete the Credential, starting in 2024. Expressions of interest from eligible sites to host a trainee are sought. The NBIA will provide further details, support and eligibility checks for interested sites. Requirements include appropriate training capacity and approved funding to cover the outstanding costs of their trainee. Funding will be released on a first come first serve basis.
What can I expect from the Credential?
The Credential in Breast Disease Management is a comprehensive training programme through which trainee Breast Clinicians acquire the skills to support
- breast radiology services
- surgical breast clinics
- family history clinics
The Credential Curriculum is closely modelled on the RCR’s Clinical Radiology Specialty Training Curriculum and meets the standards for postgraduate medical education detailed in the General Medical Council’s Excellence by Design Standards. Key competencies and milestones are specified on pages 41-44 and page 50 of the curriculum.
Trainees are based at breast units where they receive apprenticeship style on the job training. They attend local radiology physics teaching in their first year, in preparation for the FRCR physics exam. Access to relevant courses and conferences is provided e.g. advanced communications skills. Bespoke teaching events, NBIA e-learning for health resources and networking opportunities are incorporated into the Credential.
Trainees are also required to participate in regular appraisal and revalidation whilst completing the Credential.
How will I be supervised?
Each trainee should have four concurrent supervisors including;
- An Education Supervisor (ES) to oversee the trainee’s overall progress.
- A radiology Clinical Supervisor (CS) to oversee their training in imaging and related responsibilities.
- A clinical skills CS to oversee their training in surgical clinics and related responsibilities.
- A family history CS to oversee their training in family history training and related responsibilities.
Please note that the Educational Supervisor may also act as a Clinical Supervisor.
Each clinical supervisor must complete a start, mid and end of year supervisors report annually (totalling 9 CS reports annually).
The ES must also complete a start and midpoint review report annually, and an ES Structured Educational Report (ESSR) for each end of year panel review.
Trainees should meet with their supervisors upon commencement of their training and evidence of this should be uploaded within the first 6 weeks.
Each trainee will undergo an annual panel review in which the entire portfolio is reviewed and the ESSR plays a pivotal role in determining outcomes.
Trainees will have their portfolio reviewed once a year at the date that best aligns to each year of full-time equivalent training.
Educational and clinical supervisors should be recognised on the GMC register as GMC-approved trainers. Non-GMC accredited practitioners may also act as clinical supervisors (particularly for the family history element), provided it is within their area of expertise.
Trainees must also have an appraiser and undergo annual appraisal as per Trust requirements.
How will I be assessed?
Trainees maintain an e-portfolio provided by the RCR. Progress is evaluated by formative and summative assessment, alongside an annual review process modelled on the Annual Review of Competency Progress for specialty trainees. Key Credential competencies and milestones are specified on pages 41-44 and page 50 of the curriculum. This includes the requirement to pass the FRCR physics exam.
Upon successful completion of the Credential, Breast Clinicians are invited to be awarded their Credential Certificate at the FRCR Admission Ceremony.
To express your interest in becoming or hosting a trainee Breast Clinician, please contact breastacademy@mft.nhs.uk