The Credential in Breast Disease Management is a comprehensive training programme through which trainee Breast Clinicians acquire the skills to support
- breast radiology services
- surgical breast clinics
- family history clinics
The Credential was developed by the Association of Breast Clinicians (ABC), the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) and NHS England (NHSE). Its main aims are
- to standardise and recognise the training for breast clinicians
- to increase the breast clinician workforce to support breast screening and symptomatic services
Since its launch in 2019, funding support for 20 candidates has enabled trainee Breast Clinicians to be appointed to multiple breast units across the country. Upon successful completion of the Credential, all Credentialled Breast Clinicians have been retained in breast services on SAS doctor contracts. The Credential is on track to bolster the Breast Clinician workforce by 30% by 2025. Independent economic evaluation of the Credential in Breast Disease Management projected a 46% return on investment to the health economy over 10 years.
Funding for a further five trainee Breast Clinicians is available in 2024. Funding support per trainee amounts to £90,000 in total. Trainees are remunerated on the specialty doctor pay scale whilst they complete the Credential, which is a 3-year programme (if working 1WTE).
Sites are invited to host a trainee with immediate effect, with a view to trainees starting as soon as possible. The NBIA welcomes expressions of interest from potential host sites, upon receipt of which further details, support and eligibility checks will be actioned. The NBIA will support host sites to undertake local recruitment of their trainee. Funding will be released to eligible host sites on a first come first serve basis. Appointed candidates will be enrolled into the Credential programme, which is led by the Credential Oversight Board.
To express your interest in hosting a trainee Breast Clinician, please contact breastacademy@mft.nhs.uk
Find out more about the Breast Clinician Credential in these the vlogs from the Royal College of Radiologists