posted 29 June, 2023

Clinical Breast Examination Course

The Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Breast Surgery Department & the National Breast Imaging Academy has developed a Clinical Breast Examination course for GP’s, nurse practitioners, breast physicians, physician associates, specialist breast care nurses, family history nurses and ANP’s new to breast care.

Course details

The Nest, Manchester

See in Google maps

This course aims to provide clinical development and communication skills required for clinicians working within a clinical breast environment, enabling delegates to develop a specific knowledge base and skills set in clinical breast examination. As part of this course the delegates will learn breast examination theoretical and practical skills, the importance of good communication, how to take effective clinical history and gain a knowledge on breast pathologies and different referral pathways.

This course will commence with two days theoretical and practical training in Manchester, followed by 6 month in-house training at your local breast unit. As part of registering for this course you must seek and confirm access to your local breast unit or confirm you will gain enough exposure to breast patients in your area of work.

National Breast Imaging Academy

Clinical Breast Exam Course June 2023 v.2