posted 22 July, 2022

Tomosynthesis Course

  • To understand the role of tomosynthesis in breast screening and symptomatic radiology.
  • To provide the latest literature on the impact of tomosynthesis and update on current trials.
  • To illustrate the use of tomoynthesis with examples and review the need for paddle views.

Aimed at: Consultant Radiologists, Registrars, Fellows, Advanced Practitioners, Radiographers and Mammographers, Breast Clinicians.

Event details

Microsoft Teams

See in Google maps

Course fees

£225 Consultant Radiologists

£195 Registrars and Practitioners

Programme to include: (6 CPD)

  • Tomosynthesis Introduction
  • Tomosynthesis Technology
  • The Cambridge Experience in the Symptomatic Setting
  • Surgery & Radiology Dilemmas CESM & Tomosynthesis in Screening & Assessments Interval Cancers
  • Cases – The Jarvis Experience
The National Breast Education Centre

Please book now as places are limited – To Register Contact:
Irene Davis on 0208 725 1534 or
The National Breast Education Centre, The Rose Centre, St George’s Hospital, Perimeter Rd, Tooting SW17 0QT Twitter: @stgBreastEd


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