About Breast Clinicians

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Breast Clinicians are specialty and specialist (SAS) doctors working in UK breast services.  Their comprehensive approach to the assessment and management of breast disease reflects their breadth of expertise, which includes

  • Clinical examination
  • Breast radiology, including mammography and ultrasound
  • Interventional procedures, including breast and axillary biopsy
  • Assessment and management of people at increased risk of breast cancer

Breast Clinicians work within various teams within a breast unit, including

  • breast radiology services
  • surgical breast clinics
  • family history services

They are integral and uniquely flexible members of the multidisciplinary team. Breast Clinicians are entrusted with some of the responsibilities traditionally undertaken by consultants, including radiologists and surgeons. They are independent practitioners, able to support, develop and lead the services they join. Their skill and holistic perspective of patients, breast disease management and breast services enable them to play a pivotal role in teaching, service development and research.

Two staff members at workstation pointing